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Messages - sasquatch

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 214
Freshwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Triumphant Return 3/18/2023
« on: March 21, 2023, 10:40:19 AM »
Nice skunk buster, this weather has the freshwater scene a bit jacked this year so far.

That’s no skunk buster.

That is the winning fish in all categories. Biggest fish, most fish, and biggest variety of fish.

I'm trying to think of another angle and will get back to you...

hahahaha, congrats Steve!

You could try claiming that the first fish goes to the boat. Technically that would leave me skunked.

I like how you think!  You truly have mastered the art of "Angle Smithing".

Interesting edit of the quote. Desperate times, desperate measures. Lol

Freshwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Triumphant Return 3/18/2023
« on: March 20, 2023, 08:48:11 PM »
Nice skunk buster, this weather has the freshwater scene a bit jacked this year so far.

That’s no skunk buster.

That is the winning fish in all categories. Biggest fish, most fish, and biggest variety of fish.

I'm trying to think of another angle and will get back to you...

hahahaha, congrats Steve!

You could try claiming that the first fish goes to the boat. Technically that would leave me skunked. Pretty desperate move though.

General Board / Re: Neighborhood Dog Walkers
« on: March 20, 2023, 08:13:42 PM »
Good wholesome fun

Freshwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Triumphant Return 3/18/2023
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:41:26 PM »
Nice skunk buster, this weather has the freshwater scene a bit jacked this year so far.

That’s no skunk buster.

That is the winning fish in all categories. Biggest fish, most fish, and biggest variety of fish.

Freshwater Boat Fishing Reports / Triumphant Return 3/18/2023
« on: March 20, 2023, 04:10:35 PM »
 Met up with Tom at Jennings for a trout, sunfish and catfish trip. Lake was open until 10pm so we had plenty of time to fish after meeting up at 3,

 Tom's plan was to limit on trout then mess around catching sunfish til evening whereupon we would begin the catfish harvest.

 Beautiful day at the lake sums up the trip.

 We trolled around trying to find the trout. Didn't find any so we tucked into a few coves and tossed out baits. On a bobber and on the bottom to cover the water column. No dice,

 Decided to secure our catfish honey hole and catch some of the panfish that usually hang around while we waited. We even put out some catfish baits to try for a daytime bite.

 Not even a nibble.

 Finally, after sunset, my rod goes full bendo and after a bit of struggle i pull in the only fish of the trip wrapped in the reeds he tangled me up in, Thank goodness for the cattail cutter rig.

 Here it is in all its triumphant glory.

On the way home I got a text saying it was adorable. Thought that friend didn't mess with the gram.

Fun day even if it was slow.

I bet Tom is at the mud puddles catching some more whisker trout right now.

Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Another trip with my dad
« on: March 17, 2023, 05:49:51 AM »
Good to see dad with some fish again.

General Board / Re: Reflection and Projection
« on: March 10, 2023, 12:16:13 PM »
17? Good going.

Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Operation Line Stretcher (3/4)
« on: March 05, 2023, 09:04:57 PM »
Fun day. Didn’t work out as planned, but I had a good time.

General Board / Re: It Gets Worse
« on: March 01, 2023, 06:39:32 PM »
$356 for a parking ticket? Where did you park?

Freshwater Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Huntington Cental Park 2/27
« on: March 01, 2023, 10:51:35 AM »
I just figure I’m paying my tab of a nickel per infraction. Probably less than that really.

General Board / Re: Reflection and Projection
« on: March 01, 2023, 10:49:53 AM »
All the support you need. Stick with it my friend.

Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Pre-Birthday Buddy Fishing (2/20)
« on: February 21, 2023, 01:11:51 PM »
I got a few years on you and have darkened the door of a few punk shows lately. Mostly stay out of the pit these days though.

Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Zag 2/8
« on: February 08, 2023, 03:43:39 PM »
Not the first time I’ve pooped on an outboard.

General Board / Re: Adios Ass Rack
« on: February 04, 2023, 10:01:11 PM »
End of an era

Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports / Re: Don't Leave Fish! 2/2
« on: February 04, 2023, 10:20:50 AM »
Name the seagulls Steve and Tom. Those two are always together.

Steve's been awarded The Brewery Customer of the Year, at the downtown establishment.  I'm not allowed in these fictitious parts of town, so Steve found Aja to replace me.
Just because you live somewhere without a downtown doesn’t mean I do.

For YEARS I thought you were going DOWNTOWN....  I'm still not over it.  hahahahahahaha

A bond has been broken it seems. The seagulls will be named Aja and Steve.

Love it.

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