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Boat Fishing => Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports => : Latimeria October 15, 2023, 08:06:37 AM

: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: Latimeria October 15, 2023, 08:06:37 AM
I got a call from Tombo to fish the islands, but I really just wanted to get my boat out and do a stressless trip.  I invited Sasquatch and was happy to see he could make it this since he couldn't make the last few invites.

Morning came and I was on my way when I get a text "f@ck, woke up for my alarm.  Hit snooze and now it's 6:00".   I had to check who was sending me this since Squatch is always early, but he said kind of whooped it up the night before so "Downtown Norm" was a little woozy.

Water was glassy and I needed to enter in some reef points by the lobster buoys.  Unfortunately, there weren't many lobster buoys out there?  Weird...


We stopped here and there on our way to LJ and got some bass along with other critters.


We couldn't see the eclipse but knew it was happening.  Finally the clouds kind of rolled in and at least I caught a good glimpse of it before it was gone.


We tried my BSB spot and Squatch racked up the -2 Lizard fish, putting him the hole early....  ;D

I was trying out some new rigs I put together and they were mostly catching stuff I wasn't expecting.



Fishing was pretty slow at first, and as the wind was picking up, we opted for a move.

Squatch tied up a cheater rig, while I kept switching up some of the irons I recently put together.  I had a slow go at it while Squatch was acquiring the "Stupid Steve" moniker.




I got the first whitefish on board, so was claiming victory, but Steve used his cheater rig to get a few himself.


We actually caught quite a few sheepshead (at least 6 or 7 between us) but we sent everything back.  I wasn't in any mood to clean fish and still had some in the freezer.


As you can see, that NW wind picked up to 20knots and got a bit nasty out there.


I switched up to a new iron and that was the trick I needed to close the deficit.  Little jig did great on the "Skrillafish".


We were taking water over the bow, so it was time to go.  It was a lot of boat clean up when I got back and then I get a text saying Tombo whooped them!  Ugh...  That is one fishy dude...

It must be nice to have a boat with a pointy end and high gunnels.  lol



We got an assorted 3-4 dozen bottom denizens and saw no sign of gamefish.  Water was poop brown in spots and dirty green at best, so I was happy to get what we got and to put a few waypoints on the screen.

Thanks for reading!
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: jrodda October 15, 2023, 10:23:41 AM
Solid trip! I also noticed a surprising lack of lobster buoys in my zone, I'm mostly okay with the lack of obstructions though.

Tombo killed it wow. Nice mahi slay and yellowfin to boot.
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: sasquatch October 15, 2023, 10:53:52 AM
Really glad I could make it this time. Even if I was a little late. Thankfully I have a good track record.

Even with the lizard fish at -1 I feel like I did pretty well.
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: Latimeria October 15, 2023, 03:35:18 PM
I feel like I did pretty well.

You took 2 of the 3 categories, so I would say that.  It felt good to just catch again instead of hunting for that one bite.
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: sasquatch October 15, 2023, 04:34:31 PM
I’ll take most and biggest all day long. Almost never happens.
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: Tim524 October 15, 2023, 07:00:18 PM
Maybe the cost of fuel is keeping the Lobster guys home ::) Looks like you had fun despite the chop 8)
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: vdisney October 16, 2023, 04:47:33 AM
It must be nice to have a boat with a pointy end and high gunnels.  lol!

I can relate
: Re: Sasquatch Sightning During the Eclipse (10/14)
: KogaHead October 17, 2023, 08:18:09 AM
Steve you won, Tom comes up with so many different categories just so he can win.

He can't stand to lose and will stoop lower than the gutter to insure a win.