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 Boy George or Madonna ?? Ha ha  Can't wait to see the final product, you have some creative skills !

BTW, did you buddy figure out the Emoji problem on the site yet ?  They are still not working.
Freshwater Shore Fishing Reports / Dixon And The Secret Ponds
« Last post by Tim524 on Today at 07:47:43 PM »
 Max got his Driver's License a couple weeks ago and wanted to put it to use, asked if he and his buddy could go fishing while Janie and I wen to breakfast with our friends. I figured he wouldn't get up that early anyway so I said yes. I went out to the Shop early this morning to grab my 5am Diet Coke and I see all his gear organized and ready to go (Holy Chit) He was ready  and off he went. He sent me the pics and it looks like they did pretty well. Myles didn't go, apparently his Beauty Sleep was more important.

The taste of freedom must feel pretty good cause after Max came back from a morning session at Dixon, he wanted to go to his Secret Ponds and finish off his Sunday with Bass Thumb. By this time Myles was awake and wanted to get on the board too, so off they went to find some Large Mouth Bass in a very remote part of Valley Center. They found a few !

Myles got a couple as well

Hawg Bait !!!

They were there all day and caught 60+ Bass, next time I will get in on the action, just glad they had fun on their first solo trip.

Ouch, did you get the line  from Jeremy ?
It would be cool if you went back and caught the fish again and got your Spook back, only you cold pull something like that off !
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Staycation SD Cays (6/1)
« Last post by Tim524 on Today at 07:15:39 PM »
 Much better than Hawaii, no wind or chickens to deal with and a pretty nice view to boot !
Airbrush a Jean Jacket.  It's going to be metal.

Now just waiting for the Gesso to dry before I can start on my piece of canvas...

I'm going 1980's on this thing.... lol
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Staycation SD Cays (6/1)
« Last post by Latimeria on Today at 05:55:04 PM »
We took a family trip to stay on the bay for a night to kind of make up for being sick in Hawaii.  It was fun and I must say that our accommodations were better than Hawaii!  lol

This was the cheap view according to price point.

I went out fishing after dinner for an hour and got two typical sized SD Bay spotties.  I went back to the room so we could have a night cap... Well, we pretty much whooped it up which made for getting up in the morning a tough one, but I managed as I wanted a halibut!

Watched the kayak in the picture pick up a 27" hali, so I was pumped. 

Soon as I caught my first spotty of the morning, i guess everyone was watching me from the windows from behind as a bunch of kids started yelling to me.  Ugh
Obligatory fish shot to the kids.

I ended up getting 5 total with no halibut in the mix.  The lack of water in my body from being dehydrated finally won out and I went back up to the room and got some room service. 

Well, nothing spectacular, but another day fishing is always a good one.

Thanks for reading!
Outdoor Activities / The Pain of Lost Siver... (6/2)
« Last post by Latimeria on Today at 05:39:13 PM »
Well, after losing a huge silver, I needed redemption and took a 15-minute drive to find the other thing that gives me joy... fossil hunting.  lol

Mission Accomplished.  Picking the bluffs for 2 hours gave me about 50 fossils including a vertebra I need to ID.   The crabs today were spectacular.

I also found this vert that almost seemed out of place, but it does have some matrix adhered to it.  I'm on the fence about this one though on actually being a fossil, or just an ancient coyote vert.  I'm still researching this one.

Anyway, it was a fun morning considering.  Plan was to head offshore with my buddy, but marine weather and small sizes of the tuna didn't warrant a $500 gas bill.  lol

I was going to hit the surf but decided to run down to the bay instead and throw the topwater at the top of the tide.  I had something f@cking with my spook, but it may have been smelt.

Then.... a loud ass "SLURP" and line was tight!  I swear I hooked a striper and then thought a WSB since it was ripping the drag so hard...  5-6 minutes later and it was splashing like a champ, and I was like OOOOOHHH!  This is a 2008-2009 style Corvina!   28–30-inch range and I got a little wobbly in the knees.  I'm glad fish still do that to me every now and then!

Started to slide him up and then I felt nothing.  line snapped by the knot and his big fat ass just slowly turned and just quietly swam away with my spook in his face.  Ugh….. I haven’t seen a corvine this size since the late 2000’s when the EDC was crushing the 27–31-inch fish!

My memory came back to me in hindsight as it always does and lets me know I never retied…  I would have called it laziness, but it never crossed my mind until it was too late…  We would have to get each other’s lures all the time from them snapping on big casts.  We pretty much retied multiple time a trip in those old vina days, but I definitely don’t target them like I used to and just forgot.  Ugh….

I only had a Daiwa “walk the dog” lure left so tied it on.  Tide was dropping and the surface activity seemed to slow down a bunch.  After 100 casts, I switched to a swimbait.  First cast and a typical MB spotty.

I was still depressed for losing that vina, so decided to take a drive and do a little fossil hunting to make up for it.

Mission accomplished at least on that end.
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Quick Summation 5/31
« Last post by Latimeria on Today at 05:08:50 PM »
You need to stop listening to Koga and his leader material!  lol

Nicely done Jeremy.  I had in my mind I was going to surf fish this morning, but once again bailed on my initial plans.  I do miss the old school perch/YFC days, although.... the Spotfin are biting really good and with Stripers around, too many options for my old brain.  lol
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Quick Summation 5/31
« Last post by vdisney on Today at 04:49:36 AM »
Right on Jeremy, you're not only getting out you're catching fish.  Beach, Boat or Pier, I haven't caught a single fish in two months
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