The Craft of Fishing Gear > Lure & Rig Crafting Board

Surf rigs versus Bay rigs

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Do you guys use a different leader length for surf compared to bay?
Any preference for the type of right in the surf?

In the bay I use cannonball rigs, Carolina aswell, just lighter sinkers overall and no wire. In the surf I use between 4-10oz and always use wire. Generally fishing a 3 way swivel rig.

What he said ^^

Are your wire leaders longer due the potential size of some of the grinners and them possibly rolling?

I'd say roughly 30" leader lengths. When there longer, for me. It becomes very difficult to cast. Since the bait/weight will land on the sand behind me on the cast.
Plus I use about 15' of 80/100 mono shock leader for the shock/rub leader.


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