Shore Fishing > Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports

DQ'd 4/27


My extra set of hands bailed, couldn't find a replacement under short notice, so couldn't score for OC. Bait was thawed already so I went out anyway. 4' @ 6 looked like 1-3 @ 7. Set up on a berm that the waves never quite got over. Smoked a cigar and set at least 5 baits out with only a couple bait picker-atters to show for it.

Tried something different by butterflying all my baits. Didn't equate to success this time but I might keep doing it, at least with smaller mackerel.

Congrats VC on a win, when's the pic dropping?

You got out and soaked bait, life is good

It was a tough SNBF for all counties.  Only two bat rays were caught for the tourney!

Next year, we go back to the time change....

Glad you got out and represented!


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