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Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Quick Summation 5/31
« Last post by vdisney on Today at 04:49:36 AM »
Right on Jeremy, you're not only getting out you're catching fish.  Beach, Boat or Pier, I haven't caught a single fish in two months
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Quick Summation 5/31
« Last post by Tim524 on June 01, 2024, 03:25:41 PM »
Was your leader material shipped with Bananas ??? Never heard of such trouble with line breakage before.

Nice YFC action !!
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Quick Summation 5/31
« Last post by jrodda on June 01, 2024, 12:32:48 PM »
Been doing plenty of fishing the last two weeks, less catching. It's warmed up though. Spent 3 straight nights last week hunting for stripers. Got a (subtle) bite on the pencil popper the first night, friends hooked and lost a few that week. Tried the beach on a grunion run night and never saw the grunions or got any bites.

Monday had a little beach day with Alicia and knocked off the skunk for the weekend with a couple perch.

Thursday I went out with the c-rig morf grub and got a YFC after a lot of dead water.

Not long after, I felt like I picked up a weed, but had a feeling it was another pancake just hanging on. Brought it onto the hard pack before it let go. I was able to touch it before it washed out at least.

Yesterday, Friday, I went out and committed to white grubs. I figured if the halibut are gonna do that with a morf I might have a lot better chance with white. Once again took a while to get bit, but I eventually found the school, and got 6 YFC, 1 queenfish in almost as many casts.

Then started having leader trouble again, now with my fresh Shimano fluoro, breaking leader on hook sets. One break from tangle fatigue, another was a perfectly fresh leader and in the middle of the line. I brought in a mussel shell clump at one point so maybe some of that is drifting around out there slicing line. Missed several more bites before it got dark.
General Board / Re: Football Pool
« Last post by KogaHead on May 31, 2024, 09:00:22 AM »
ARod says if he doesn’t do a good job they will fire him, sounds like his last brain cell is all revved up and ready for training camp!

I just need to see the fins end their playoff drought. All I have wanted for…decades…

Phins will finish with winning record and miss playoffs.
Fishing Talk / Re: 60 miles
« Last post by jrodda on May 30, 2024, 04:07:41 PM »
I heard they might have passed even closer recently…too windy for me to bother this weekend.

you are a gray haired vagina, go get them

If I wanted a 7 hour trip for some penny flavored meat I’d wine and dine you this weekend buddy, but I think I’ll stick to the sand for some decent tides.
Fishing Talk / Re: 60 miles
« Last post by KogaHead on May 30, 2024, 11:45:28 AM »
I heard they might have passed even closer recently…too windy for me to bother this weekend.

you are a gray haired vagina, go get them
Fishing Talk / Re: 60 miles
« Last post by jrodda on May 30, 2024, 11:32:22 AM »
I heard they might have passed even closer recently…too windy for me to bother this weekend.
General Board / Re: Football Pool
« Last post by jrodda on May 30, 2024, 11:31:20 AM »
ARod says if he doesn’t do a good job they will fire him, sounds like his last brain cell is all revved up and ready for training camp!

I just need to see the fins end their playoff drought. All I have wanted for…decades…
General Board / Re: Football Pool
« Last post by Latimeria on May 30, 2024, 11:06:52 AM »
Dolphin's Fans will do Dolphin things... and Koga will reverse Cowboy on Jerry Jones and Dak! lol
Fishing Talk / Re: 60 miles
« Last post by Latimeria on May 30, 2024, 11:04:29 AM »
Sewer trout taste great with enough tartar sauce on it

There he is!  Just making sure you're alright and still hanging around.
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