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Topics - Dark_Knight_9C1

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Fishing Talk / Sighting at the IRS office
« on: December 23, 2017, 11:27:01 AM »
Hit the OC IRS office this morning. Water was pretty calm, tide was incoming, water was clear and emerald color, and a few scattered patches of salad. Had the usual bait stealers at work.
Got there a little after 6:00 am and found someone already setting up. It was a man with a grey beard that I know I have seen before.  ::) He had a kid in the water swimming baits out. I couldn't quite see but it looked like there was something wrong with his ears.  ??? I wished him good luck and he wished me the same. I thought, it must be that time of year again. Merry Christmas!


Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Capistrano Soup 9/10
« on: September 11, 2017, 06:14:46 AM »
Went to Capistrano beach again yesterday late afternoon. Small waves, little salad, water not as warm as it has been. Tide going out. Had the long rods out for an hour or so and caught a Leo and a ray. Next up was a slack line bite and some tail trashing in the surf. Chewed the bait but didn't take. The life guard came by and put up a shark sighting sign and said one was seen a couple hundred yards south of me. Next I see another tail splashing in the surf. This time being followed by another fellow who was fishing about 100 yards south of me. He crossed both my lines before I could reel them in. I went out in the surf and untangled one line and cut the other. He brought to shore a 5 to 6 foot soupfin. I reset my line which got tangled and pulled in the one which I cut and found I had cut off my 100 ft of 60 lb mono topper from the braid. I threw caution to the wind and tied another rig to the braid and threw it out. Got one line caught in some kelp so I was reeling it in when the other pole started peeling off line. Switched poles quickly and tightened my drag. Got to watch it leap out of the water twice before it broke loose. Of course it bit the pole with straight braid.
Going to keep trying. At least they are out there again.


Fishing Talk / PM Cattle Boat tips?
« on: August 31, 2017, 05:59:51 AM »
Going out on a twilight boat for some fishing on Friday. Wondering if I can get some tips on getting a shark while I'm out.
Figured I would setup with the standard high low with Mac heads. Just going to put the line out and tie my pole to the rail until something pulls. Question is how deep should I keep it at.
When I've gone on a cattle boat before I've always wondered where the sharks are. You are generally over structure, at night, with lots of distressed fish in the water.
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Fishing Talk / Tonic Imobility ???
« on: August 02, 2017, 05:48:39 AM »
I was watching a show on tracking sharks and when they hauled the shark up next to the boat to instrument it, they first rolled it over on its back. This was supposed to immobilize it by something they called "tonic immobility". Is this for real and if so does anyone does anyone try to do it?
I imagine it would be pretty hard to do with anything with a large dorsal fin. It seems it would also be difficult on a beach as opposed to in the water beside a boat.
Honestly, I think the shark can't breath since since it's not moving in the water and that's why it stops struggling. Am I wrong?


Fishing Talk / What makes a beach Sharky?
« on: August 01, 2017, 06:20:16 PM »
I'm looking for some general intel on what makes a beach look like it would be good for shark fishing. Not looking for locations (although I wouldn't turn any down), just looking for what characteristics one looks for when going sharking.
I got started at Capistrano beach in June/July when I went there for batrays and hooked into multiple sharks. It has since died out there and am looking for a new location.
It seems that a beach close to deeper water, channels, drop offs, rock piles, is one thing to look for but not necessarily a must have. I was wondering if large bays would work as well. I have had luck with batrays in the bays.
Is night time the best time? I have always fished for batrays in the daytime. The couple times I have tried at night hasn't produced anything.
Are super big hooks necessary. I have worked my way up to 6/0 and for the size of the bait I throw out they seem small still. Although most of the large batray I've caught were with only 3/0 hooks.
I've been able to hook into several sharks but have always ended up with line breaks, but not at the hook. It seems to break away from my fishing rig and so I loose the whole thing. I have started using 200 lb as a lead from the cable leader to my 60 lb mono on my pole. but I still am casting my bait out so I cannot have more than 5 or 6 feet of 200 lb which might still get my 60 lb mono with a tail slap. Any ideas on this?
Thanks in advance for any tips.

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