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Shore Fishing => Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports => : Latimeria November 26, 2018, 08:08:46 PM

: The Blade Runner (11/25)
: Latimeria November 26, 2018, 08:08:46 PM
I was bummed conditions at the Soup Kitchen conditions were horrible and unfishable.  I got home around 10:30 and decided to hit the bay in the morning looking for some corvina.  The entire first hour was hitting the usual haunts with the topwater for corvina.  The only thing I hooked was a needlefish.

I drove to some rocks and hoped to get some bass before heading home.  In the first 30 minutes I caught 5 small spotties, but othing big.  There was lots of bait around

I was reeling in when I snagged a giant mullet and he busted off my swimmy.  I went to retie and work my way back to the truck and decided to try the underspin along the same stretch of shoreline and see if lure selection helped.  Well damn...

First cast and I catch 2 bass on one underspin.  One bass inhaled the blade and got stuck while the other grabbed the swimmy.  Insane amounts of fish and they all wanted the blase!


They were just inhaling the blade!!!


I ended up with 17 bass and the 12 I caught on the blade were all MUCH bigger than the 5 I caught on the regular swimmy.


I even got my butt....


I then got a nice 17-18 inch corvina, but trying to sling him up the rocks popped the hook and I was scrambling to get my hands on him.  It squirt out of my hands and into the water.


I also got a second butt and a second corvina. All on the damn blade along a stretch of shoreline I just fished!  Unreal!


I ended up with 17 bass, 2 butts, 2 corvina and a needlefish.  I was on one of my last casts when I look into the water and 6 feet in front of me a bigger corvina inhaled my underspin!  I went to set the hook and nothing.  It cut my line clean and left me blade-less.  Oh well, time to replenish them I guess.

Thanks for reading and until next tide!
: Re: The Blade Runner (11/25)
: 1morecast November 26, 2018, 08:30:18 PM
Sweet session, persistence pays off. I want to catch a mullet, but not snagging it tho.  ;)
: Re: The Blade Runner (11/25)
: vdisney November 27, 2018, 02:26:01 AM
Good call on changing up, sometimes that seems to be all it takes.  That's a lot of fish, good on ya Tom
: Re: The Blade Runner (11/25)
: FISH86R November 27, 2018, 10:02:50 AM
Sick.. I need to get into some saltwater lure fishing.. Just seems like most people do better on the swim baits and plastics and I completely freaken suck with them even in freshwater.. I've been starting to get pretty confident with the LC's though while I'm waiting for the surfers to clear out..
: Re: The Blade Runner (11/25)
: Pinoyfisher December 02, 2018, 10:50:55 AM
Mullet kick a$$ oon the light gear! Snagged or not.